Example of dashboard

Updated: April 31, 2014.

Dashboard Example

Let’s implement a simple dashboard.

full source can be found in here.

Since XPUSH servers used in the demo below is a temporary test servers provided by XPUSH team, we can’t guarantee performance and iIt may be temporarily unavailable. Therefore, please use the XPUSH you install it yourself.

script import

Include js files : jquery, d3.js, google jsapi, xpush.js

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://mbostock.github.com/d3/d3.js"></script>

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://xpush.github.io/lib/dist/xpush.js"></script>

script code

Create an option for drawing and dataTable for google chart, and initialize the chart.

// import corechart for CPU Stats, import gauge for Memory Stats
  google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["gauge","corechart"]});

  var cpuChart;
  var memChart;

  var cpuDataTable;
  var memDataTable;

  var options = {
    width: 400, height: 200,
    redFrom: 90, redTo: 100,
    yellowFrom:75, yellowTo: 90,
    minorTicks: 5

  // Line chart Option
  var memOptions = {
    width : "80%",
    min : 0,
      format : "#,###",
    chartArea : {width:'80%'},
    pointSize : 3,
    animation : {
      duration: 1000,
      easing: 'out'
    legend: { position: 'bottom' }

  // function for timestamp ( hh:min:ss )
  function getTime(){
    var now = new Date();
    var hours="";
    var minutes ="";
    var seconds = "";
    if( now.getHours() < 10 ){
      hours = "0"+ now.getHours();
    } else {
      hours = now.getHours();

    if( now.getMinutes() < 10 ){
      minutes = "0"+ now.getMinutes();
    } else {
      minutes = now.getMinutes();

    if( now.getSeconds() < 10 ){
      seconds = "0"+ now.getSeconds();
    } else {
      seconds = now.getSeconds();
    var x = hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds;
    return x;

  // function for M, K
  function getNumberFormatString(number, isPoint){
    if( number >= 1000000){
      if(isPoint) return "#,###.###M";
      else return "#,###M";
    } else if( number>=1000 && number < 1000000) {
      if(isPoint) return "#,###.###K";
      else return "#,###K";
    } else {
      if(isPoint) return "#,###.###";
      else return "#,###";

  // function for M, K
  function getNumberFormat(number, string){
    if(string.length == 6){
      if( "#,###M" == string ){
        return parseInt(number/1000000);
      }else if( "#,###K" ==string ){
        return parseInt(number/1000);
    } else if(string.length == 10) {
      if ( "#,###.###M" == string ){
        return number/1000000.0;
      } else if ( "#,###.###K" == string ){
        return number/1000.0;
    } else if(string.length == 5) {
      return parseInt(number);
    } else if(string.length == 9) {
      return number;

  // Defines the functions of the circular queue.
  var CircularQueueItem = function (value, next, back) {
    this.next = next;
    this.value = value;
    this.back = back;
    return this;

  // Defines the functions for the circular queue.
  var CircularQueue = function (queueLength) {
    this._current = new CircularQueueItem(undefined, undefined, undefined);
    var item = this._current;
    for (var i = 0; i < queueLength - 1; i++) {
        item.next = new CircularQueueItem(undefined, undefined, item);
        item = item.next;
    item.next = this._current;
    this._current.back = item;

    this.push = function (value) {
      this._current.value = value;
      this._current = this._current.next;
    this.pop = function () {
      this._current = this._current.back;
      return this._current.value;
    return this;

  // Draw the google chart
  function initGoogleChart() {

    // Defines the data type of the cpu gauge chart.
    cpuDataTable = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
      ['Label', 'Value'],
      ['stalk-front-c01', 0],
      ['stalk-front-c02', 0]

    // Defines the data type of the memory line
    memDataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();

    memDataTable.addColumn('string', 'Time');
    memDataTable.addColumn('number', 'stalk-front-c01');
    memDataTable.addColumn('number', 'stalk-front-c02');

    // Draw a gauge chart in chart_cpu area.
    cpuChart = new google.visualization.Gauge(document.getElementById('chart_cpu'));
    cpuChart.draw(cpuDataTable, options);

    // Draw a gauge chart in chart_mem area.
    memChart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_mem'));
    memChart.draw(memDataTable, memOptions);

    // redraws memChart when window size is changed
    window.onresize = function(){
      memChart.draw(memDataTable, memOptions);

Use D3 to draw the area for running horses. Horses will be run by changing the image source.

// Set the serverlist as a variable.
  var hostNames = ["stalk-front-c01","stalk-front-c02"];
  var sorts = {"stalk-front-c01":0, "stalk-front-c02":1 };
  var serviceNames = ["server01", "server02"];

  var svg;
  var queues = [];
  var cw, z, w, h;

  // Initialize the horse chart using SVG.
  function initHorseChart(){
    w = 400,
    h = 250,
    cw = 200,
    z = d3.scale.category10();

    // Draw svg
    svg = d3.select("#transaction").append("svg:svg")
    .attr("width", w)
    .attr("height", h);
    var data = [0,1];

    // Draw a rectangle to show the server name.
    var sel = svg.selectAll("rect").data(data).enter();
    .attr("id", function(d) {return "rect_"+serviceNames[d];})
    .attr("fill", "white" )
    .attr("stroke", "#999")
    .attr("width", 100)
    .attr("height", 40)
    .attr("x", function(d) {return ( d * cw ) + 50;} )
    .attr("y", 210);
    // shows the server name to TEXT form.
    .attr("fill", "black")
    .attr("x", function(d) {return ( d * cw ) + 100;})
    .attr("y", 235)
    .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
    .style("font-size", "12px")
    .text(function(d) {return hostNames[d]});
    // Add the horse image.
    .attr("id", function(d) {return "image"+d;})
    .attr( "xlink:href", "assets/0.png" )
    .attr("x", function(d) {return ( d * cw ) + 55;} )
    .attr("y", 80 )
    .attr("width", 100)
    .attr("height", 100)
    .attr("opacity", "1" );

    // Creates a Circle Queue.
    for( var key in data ){
      var queue = new CircularQueue(6);
      queues.push( queue );

Initialize the xpush object and registers the event listener to draw chart

var mem01;
  var mem02;
  var memFormat;
  var xpush;

  var u01 = 0;
  var u02 = 0;

  // Initialize the xpush object and registers the event listener
  function initXpush(){
    xpush = new XPush('http://demo.stalk.io:8000', 'demo');
    xpush.createSimpleChannel('channel-dashboard', function(){
      xpush.send('channel-dashboard', 'message', 'STOP_MONITOR' );
      // receive incoming data is output to the screen in `message` event.
      xpush.on( 'message', function(channel, name, data){

        if( data.type && data.type == 'db' ) {
          drawTopSite( data.json );
        } else if ( data.type && data.type == 'sys' ) {
          cpuDataTable.setValue(sorts[data.json.H], 1, Math.round(data.json.C));
          cpuChart.draw(cpuDataTable, options);

          if( 0 == sorts[data.json.H] ){
            // Change the memory variables.
            memFormat = getNumberFormatString( Number( data.json.M ), false );
            mem01 = getNumberFormat( Number( data.json.M ), memFormat);

            // Change the user variables.
            u01 = data.json.U;
          } else if( 1 == sorts[data.json.H]  ){
            // Change the memory variables.
            memFormat = getNumberFormatString( Number( data.json.M ), false );
            mem02 = getNumberFormat( Number( data.json.M ), memFormat);

            // Change the user variables.
            u02 = data.json.U;

  var startFlag = false;
  var monitor;
  var btnToggle;

  // Init horse chart and xpush
  $(document).ready( function(){
    btnToggle = $( "#btnToggle" );

Declare the function to update each chart. We can change the horse’s running speed by adjusting the speed of the interval, because the image changes depending on the value.

  // Draw a memory line chart.
  var drawMemChart = function(){

    // Draw a chart every 5 seconds.
    monitor = setInterval( function() {
      if( mem01 && mem02 ){
        var time = getTime();
        memOptions.vAxis.format = memFormat;
        memDataTable.addRow( [time, mem01, mem02] );

        if( memDataTable.getNumberOfRows() > 5 ) {
          memDataTable.removeRow( memDataTable.getNumberOfRows() -6 );


      drawSysChart( [{ 'H':'stalk-front-c01','V':u01 },{ 'H':'stalk-front-c02','V':u02 }]);
    }, 5000 );

  // Turns on or off the monitoring function.
  var toggleMonitor = function(){
    if( !startFlag  ){
      // Sends the message to the server informing the monitoring begins.
      xpush.send('channel-dashboard', 'message', 'START_MONITOR' );
      startFlag = true;
      btnToggle.removeClass( "btn-primary" ).addClass( "btn-danger" );
      btnToggle.html( "Off" );

      $( "#site_body" ).hide();
      $( "#site_list" ).show();
    } else {
      // Sends the message to the server informing the monitoring ends.
      xpush.send('channel-dashboard', 'message', 'STOP_MONITOR' );
      startFlag = false;
      mem01 = 0;
      mem02 = 0;
      u01 = 0;
      u02 = 0;
      btnToggle.removeClass( "btn-danger" ).addClass( "btn-primary" );
      btnToggle.html( "On" );

      $( "#site_body" ).show();
      $( "#site_list" ).hide();

      if( monitor ){
        clearInterval( monitor );

  // Draw a concentric circle every five seconds.
  function drawParticle( cx, cy, radius, sort ) {     
    .attr("cx", cx)
    .attr("cy", cy)
    .attr("r", 1e-6)
    .style("stroke", z(sort * 9))
    .style("stroke-opacity", 1)
    .attr("r", radius)
    .style("stroke-opacity", 1e-6)

  var topSite = [];
  var drawTopSite = function( json ){
    // Copy the template to create a new DOM object
    $( "#site_list" ).children().remove();
    for( var key in json ){
      var data = json[key];
      var liId = data.S.replace( ".", "" );
      if( $( "#template_" + data.S ).length != 0 ){
        var site = $( "#template_" + liId ).eq(0);
        site.children( "span:first" ).text( data.C );
        site.children( "span:last" ).text( data.S );
      } else {
        var newSite = $( "#template" ).clone();

        // Modify the newly created DOM object.
        newSite.attr( "id", "template_"+ liId );
        newSite.children( "span:first" ).text( data.C );
        newSite.children( "span:last" ).text( data.S );

        // Add the newly created DOM object to ul DOM.
        newSite.appendTo( "#site_list" );
  // The horses ran.
  function runHorse( val, sort ){
    var img = svg.select("#image"+ sort );
    if( val == 0 ){
      if( img.attr("opacity") == 1 ){
        img.attr( "opacity", "1" )
        .attr( "opacity", "0.5" );
    } else {
      if( img.attr("opacity") == 0.5 ){
        img.attr( "opacity", "0.5" )
        .attr( "opacity", "1" );
    // Adjust the right running cycle.
    var speed = Math.round( 50000 / val );
    .attr("fill", "#000")
    .attr("x", (sort * cw ) + 105 )
    .attr("y", 190)
    .attr("text-anchor", "end")
    .style("font-size", "16px")
    .text( val )
    .style("stroke-opacity", 1e-6)
    var now = Date.now();
    // Convert the image reach cycle to run
    var t = setInterval(function(){
      img.attr( "xlink:href", "assets/"+queues[sort].pop() +".png" );
      if ( Date.now() - now > 5250 ){
    }, speed );
  // Draw concentric zones.
  function drawSysChart( json ){

    var totalUsers = 0;
    for (var inx = 0, len = json.length; inx < len ; inx ++){
      var val = json[inx].V;
      totalUsers = plus( totalUsers, Number( val ) );
      var sort = sorts[json[inx].H];

      // The horse ran with concentric circles.
      runHorse( val, sort );
      if( val != 0 ){
        // Position X
        var cx = ( sort * cw ) + 85;

       	// Calculate the number of concentric circles.
        var until = Math.floor( val / 200 ) * 5 ;
        var jnx = 1;
        if( until < 1 ){
          until = 1;
        // Draw a number of concentric circles as
        while( jnx <= until ){              
          drawParticle( cx, 130, val * ( jnx * ( 1/until) ), sort );
    setTotal( Number(totalUsers).toFixed(2) );
  // Draw a total area
  function setTotal( totalUsers ){
    .attr("fill", "#000")
    .attr("x", 250 )
    .attr("y", 65)
    .attr("text-anchor", "end")
    .style("font-size", "30px")
    .text( totalUsers )
    .style("stroke-opacity", 1e-6)
  // function for float
  function plus() {
    var argsLength = arguments.length;
    if(argsLength == 0) return 0;
    var result = 0.0;  
    var argString = "";
    var pointIndex = 0;
    var decimalSize = 0;
    var maxDecimalSize = 0;
    var maxPower = 1.0;
    for(var inx = 0; inx < argsLength; inx++) {
      argString = arguments[inx] + "";
      pointIndex = argString.indexOf(".");
      decimalSize = (pointIndex < 0) ? 0 : argString.length - pointIndex - 1;
      if(maxDecimalSize < decimalSize) {
        result = result * Math.pow(10.0, decimalSize - maxDecimalSize);
        maxDecimalSize = decimalSize;
        maxPower = Math.pow(10.0, maxDecimalSize);
      result += eval((parseFloat(arguments[inx]) * maxPower).toFixed(0));
    return (result / maxPower);

HTML code

<div class="row">
  <div >

    <!-- Title and button-->
    <div class="alert alert-block alert-success">

      <i class="icon-ok green"></i>
      Welcome to
      <strong class="green">
        XPUSH Dashboard
      <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="btnToggle" onclick="toggleMonitor()">On</button>

    <div class="row">
      <!-- CPU Gauge Chart -->
      <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="panel panel-default">
          <div class="panel-heading">
            <h4 class="lighter">
              <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span> CPU Stats

          <div class="panel-body">
            <div id="chart_cpu" ></div>               
      <!-- Memory Line Chart -->
      <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="panel panel-default">
          <div class="panel-heading">
            <h4 class="lighter">
              <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span> Memory Stats
          <div class="panel-body">
            <div id="chart_mem" ></div>  

    <div class="row">
      <!-- Horse Chart -->
      <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="panel panel-default">
          <div class="panel-heading">
            <h4 class="lighter">
              <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span> Connected Users
          <div class="panel-body">
            <div id="transaction" style="text-align:center;">

      <!-- Ranking Chart -->
      <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="panel panel-default">
          <div class="panel-heading">
            <h4 class="lighter">
              <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span> Site Ranking : Active Users
          <div class="panel-body" id="site_body">
            <div style="min-height:225px;">
              <h2>Click on button to view</h2>
          <ul class="list-group" id="site_list" style="display:node;">
            <li class="list-group-item" style="display:none">
              <span class="badge" >0</span><span></span>
          <li class="list-group-item" id="template" style="display:none">
            <span class="badge" >0</span><span></span>

Code Result

Welcome to XPUSH Dashboard

 CPU Stats

 Memory Stats

 Connected Users

 Site Ranking : Active Users

Click on button to view


XPUSH is an opensource realtime communication platform for quickly, easily adding scalable functionality to web and mobile environment.
It lets you develop faster, deploy easier and scale bigger.

Source Link

- Opensource Project from github

Code licensed under MIT License
Documentation licensed under CC BY 3.0